Breast augmentation surgery, best gift this holiday season

The festive season is just around the corner and it’s time to consider a gift that is way beyond traditional. This gift is more than self‑indulgence – it’s your journey to transformation, increased self‑confidence and beaming radiance. Holidays bring magic in the air – this holiday season you can feel this magic with Breast augmentation surgery at Lucia Clinic. Breast augmentation is a gift that keeps on giving – not just for the holiday season but for a lifetime. Since New Year represents new beginnings, having Breast augmentation surgery at Lucia Clinic can mark a new beginning in your life.

Let’s discuss some of the captivating benefits of Breast augmentation as well as some of the most common myths and misconceptions about this surgery.


During the holiday season, we usually make new resolutions and look for ways for a fresh start. Having Breast augmentation at Lucia Clinic is the ultimate resolution that can mark your start in 2024. This plastic surgery can be your expression of self‑love, positive change and personal growth.

If we put physical enhancements aside, Breast augmentation can positively boost your self‑confidence. Just imagine – when you look in the mirror, you feel a newfound sense of pride in your appearance. Your entire silhouette is enhanced and your inner confidence finally shines on the outside. All thanks to Breast augmentation that creates a harmonious self‑image.

Since the holiday season brings a lot of social gatherings, after Breast augmentation you will be ready to radiate beauty and confidence at each and every social event. Whether it’s a family dinner or an office party, you will look and feel dazzling and self‑assured.  Everyone will feel your newly found confidence.

Breast augmentation can be your way of feeling more empowered and a way of embracing your unique beauty. We are all different and have different aesthetic goals. If you have been considering Breast augmentation as your most desired cosmetic goal, then this holiday season it can come true. With this surgery, you can finally welcome your unique beauty, because Breast augmentation at Lucia Clinic brings you real and natural‑looking results. We can say that this surgery makes your entire figure more harmonious and in tune with your unique self.


With Breast augmentation, you can improve your overall body proportions and balance. This is one of the reasons why this plastic surgery is so popular. Breast augmentation creates a figure that is more aesthetically pleasing which leads to a sense of satisfaction in your physical appearance.

You can choose to have Breast augmentation done with silicone breast implants which can balance the proportions of your body. With the right breast implants, you can increase the fullness and projection of your breasts and give them a form that is more youthful‑looking and appealing.

Your body image can significantly improve with Breast augmentation surgery. Breast implants can help balance out your asymmetrical breasts and make them more harmonious. Also, breast augmentation surgery renews and restores your breasts by giving them more volume and restoring their contours. This is especially helpful if you lost your breast volume after pregnancy, breastfeeding, major weight loss or simply because of aging. New Year can literally bring a new you.


You surely have a fabulous dress that you have always wanted to wear, but couldn’t. Simply because your bust is too small and you don’t feel comfortable wearing that stunning dress. That can be changed with Breast augmentation. Once you achieve fuller, rounder and more symmetrical breasts with this surgery, you can unlock a whole world of new flattering wardrobes. You can express your new style that perfectly fits your curves and enhanced bustline. Necklines, close‑fitting strapless shirts, and elegant gowns can all become your everyday fashion. With Breast augmentation, you can finally wear flattering clothes that will enhance your shoulders and decolletage.

This is another benefit of getting Breast augmentation surgery before the holiday season. Just picture yourself slipping into that gorgeous dress you have always hesitated to wear. Your newly found confidence and nicely enhanced contours will definitely attract attention at your holiday season parties. Breast augmentation sculpts your entire figure in a way that matches your natural and unique beauty. It accentuates your feminine side that radiates with charm and elegance.


This is the key to achieving excellent results from Breast augmentation and of course to your satisfaction with your new breasts appearance. At Lucia Clinic, you can meet some of the most world‑renowned and board‑certified plastic surgeons and consult them about your Breast augmentation.

The first thing they are going to tell you is that there is no one‑size Breast augmentation that fits everyone. This is very important for you to understand because we are all different and have different anatomy and proportions. If you for example loved the results of your friend’s Breast augmentation, that doesn’t mean that it will fit you.

That’s why it’s vital to consult Lucia Clinic’s plastic surgeons about your Breast augmentation. They can walk you through the entire process from the surgery to recovery.

What’s great about Breast augmentation is that it has evolved so much from the early beginnings. Actually, it is constantly advancing – plastic surgeons are using the highest quality breast implants and minimal incision techniques. During your consultation with Lucia Clinic’s plastic surgeons, you can see the final results of your Breast augmentation through 3D Imaging. This revolutionary tool can help you visualize the shape and size of your breasts after the surgery. Your visualization can help you determine if the final outcomes match the vision of your new breasts.

Another thing that sets apart Lucia Clinic’s Breast augmentation surgery is the use of next‑generation silicone implants, called Motiva implants. They have an RFID microchip which allows your plastic surgeon to check your breast implants in a safe and non‑invasive way. The silicone gel is of high stability, which means that these breast implants are meant to last for more than 10 years. Plus they are designed in a way to maximize harmony and biocompatibility with your body.

Another thing about breast implants – they mimic the feel of your natural breast tissue. The structure of the implants provides shape and support that creates a realistic and natural feel. You don’t have to worry about your breasts being too tight after Breast Augmentation. The point is to enhance your natural curves without making your breasts look and feel unnatural.

Also, Lucia Clinic’s plastic surgeons can recommend the shape, size and texture of breast implants that best suit your anatomy and your aesthetic goals.


Even though Breast augmentation surgery has been around for a very long time, there are still some concerns and misconceptions about it, especially regarding safety and recovery. Let’s debunk these myths.

MYTH: Breast implants last only 10 years or less.
REALITY: No, they don’t. As we already said, the next generation of breast implants used at Lucia Clinic can last much longer. They are of stable consistency, and even though they can’t last forever, you can certainly enjoy them for more than 10 years.

MYTH: Breast implants can burst while flying.
REALITY: This is a common misconception. It is fully safe for you to fly after Breast augmentation again because advanced silicone implants are strong and don’t have air in them. Atmospheric pressure changes simply don’t affect silicone implants. Just wait for about 6 weeks after Breast augmentation and you are ready to board a plane.

MYTH: A ruptured implant can be life‑threatening.
REALITY: Chances for an implant to rupture are less than minimal. If that does happen, the gel that is inside the implant capsule will leak very slowly and won’t risk your life. If you still feel that your silicone implant has ruptured, contact your plastic surgeon who will do a scan and check the rupture.

MYTH: You can’t have an MRI breast check‑up after Breast augmentation.
REALITY: Yes, you can. Motiva implants with RFID chip, used at Lucia Clinic are FDA‑approved and won’t interfere with your regular MRI breast check‑ups.

MYTH: Recovery after Breast augmentation is long and painful.
REALITY: This depends on the patient and can vary. Many women feel just a little pain for a couple of days post‑surgery. The pain is definitely not extreme and can be managed with medications prescribed by your plastic surgeon. Regarding the length of recovery, it’s significantly shorter than before. Lucia Clinic’s plastic surgeons use innovative surgical techniques and extensive post‑operative care that enable you to back on your feet after just a few days. But, to recover properly and to get the best results, you need to strictly follow all the recommendations from your surgeon. That way your recovery period will be faster and smoother.

MYTH: The scars after Breast augmentation are very unsightly.
REALITY: No, there aren’t. Simply because of the advancement in surgical technique for breast augmentation. Lucia Clinic’s plastic surgeons carefully consider the placement of the incisions in order to make them practically invisible. If they choose to place the incisions in your armpit area, your breasts won’t have scars at all.

MYTH: Your nipples will lose their sensitivity after Breast augmentation.
REALITY: This is only temporary, especially if you have larger implants inserted in your breasts. This happens because the nerves in your breasts are stretched by the implants. As your entire body gradually adjusts to your enlarged breasts, nipple sensitivity slowly returns again.

MYTH: Breast augmentation always makes your breasts look fake.
REALITY: No, it doesn’t. Especially if you have a customized Breast augmentation at Lucia Clinic. Lucia Clinic plastic surgeons are dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty and go the extra mile in achieving real and natural‑looking results. Breast augmentation should complement your body proportions and not create a disharmony.


What is the holiday season if not giving? And what better gift is there than boosting your confidence and improving your body image with Lucia Clinic Breast augmentation? Getting Breast augmentation is a way to boost your entire well‑being and finally feel good in your body. Breast augmentation not only enhances your upper body but also makes your entire body more aesthetically appealing. With a customized Breast augmentation treatment plan, created by amazing Lucia Clinic plastic surgeons, you can make your silhouette more harmonious and proportionate. This holiday season can be all about celebrating your unique beauty.

Whether you’re considering breast augmentation as a gift to yourself or as a surprise for a loved one, Lucia clinic is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and feel confident in your own skin.