Dr Dorothea Sadlo


Dr. Dorothea Sadlo is a German Board-certified dermatologist.

Dr. Dorothea attended the famous Harvard Medical School in Boston USA.
This prestigious training helped Dr. Dorothea to develop special skills in dermatology and aesthetics.

Meet Dr. Dorothea Sadlo

Dr. Dorothea has finished numerous international high-end training courses – and she continues to further educate herself. With 15 years of work experience as a dermatologist, Dr. Dorothea combines her exceptional knowledge from Harvard with advanced and versatile treatment techniques.

Dr. Dorothea is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and she has been invited to speak at the AAD meetings in the US.

Dr. Dorothea frequently appears on TV shows and is featured in magazines where she shares her expertise on different skin-related issues.

Dr. Dorothea always approaches each patient individually and with full attention. She examines her patient’s skin through the eyes of a dermatologist to determine the health condition of the skin and achieve the best aesthetic goals.

Dr. Dorothea is fully committed to her patients and believes in a holistic approach to overall well-being.