Chemical peels, 101 guide to popular aesthetic treatment - find out about benefits, types, customization and purpose of this effective and versatile treatment.

You are not alone if you are curious about how celebrities maintain such perfect skin. However, it is essential to note that skin problems, such as blemishes, sun spots, and aging, affect everyone, including celebrities. The secret to their beautiful skin lies in visiting a sophisticated and state-of-the-art aesthetic and dermatology center regularly and finding the perfect treatment that works for them.
Good skin care and treatments are not reserved only for celebrities in the know. And we are going to share all the details of what you can do to have your best skin. These treatments are the ones that the A-list rely on, not just for an event, but to look glowing every day. This will be your best kept secret, no-body will know that you have had treatment, but everybody will be asking why your skin looks so good!
One of the most popular and effective aesthetic treatments for rejuvenating and refreshing the skin is chemical peels. These peels involve the application of special chemical solutions to the skin, causing the top layer to peel off and reveal a healthier layer of skin. Chemical peels can be customized to address various skin concerns, including melasma, sun spots, fine lines, and acne.
At Lucia Clinic, chemical peels are performed by skilled doctors and skin therapists who consider your skin type and condition to determine the best treatment for you.
Let’s dive into those brilliant skin treatments that leave your skin looking perfect and bring you natural-looking results (so-called “hidden treatments”).

On today’s list –


Level of popularity – very high
Level of effectiveness – extraordinary

Ask anyone who has ever had this treatment at Lucia Clinic and they will tell you that CHEMICAL PEELS are great! If you want to refresh and rejuvenate your skin, chemical peels are your thing.

What exactly are chemical peels?

This brilliant treatment improves the appearance of your skin by application of special chemical solutions on it. That’s why they are called chemical peels. And also they cause the top layer of your skin to peel off and reveal a healthy skin layer. Of course, the damaged layer of your skin peels off and gives a place for new skin cells to grow.  After your skin heals, it’s smoother and looks radiant and amazing.

Chemical peels are great because the results are seen very quickly and they can be customized just for your needs.

What skin concerns do chemical peels address?

There are so many skin blemishes and conditions that chemical peels can treat. Firstly, they effectively reduce melasma because they remove the skin cells with too much pigment and leave a place for the new skin cells to grow.

Next are sun, liver and age spots and freckles. These can look really nasty after too much exposure to the sun. Again a chemical peel helps here because it removes the sun-damaged layer and makes your skin appear more even.

We can also add fine lines to this list. The right chemical peel can be an awesome anti-aging solution for you because it evens your skin out and your fine lines are removed. You instantly look youthful.

Finally, chemical peels can be great in treating acne. They effectively clear the dirt and the bacteria that cause acne from your pores. Add to it clearing the pigmentation that was caused by acne breakouts and you got yourself a nice, fresh and healthy-looking face again.

In the end, you can just have a chemical peel to simply rejuvenate your skin. When you do it on a regular basis, your skin remains healthy and radiant.

So, to sum up, whatever skin concern you may have, you will definitely find a chemical peel that will help you.

How are chemical peels customized?

Customization of chemical peels is one of their biggest benefits. This is where the expertise and experience of Lucia Clinic skin therapists and doctors are seen hands-on. During your consultation, they will consider your skin type, condition and concerns before determining which chemical peel is best for you. We are all individuals with different skin types and concerns and this is something that Lucia’s team always keeps in mind. This also guarantees your safety – you won’t experience any unwanted side effects if you get the right chemical peel.

Let’s also add that all chemical peel solutions are made of the best quality ingredients. So, if you come to Lucia Clinic for your chemical peel treatment, you will soon realize why this procedure is so popular and effective and why Lucia Clinic is one of the best aesthetic and dermatology centers in the region.

What types of chemical peels are there?

There are different types of chemical solutions that give you different results. Which chemical solution you will choose for your chemical peel, depends on your aesthetic goals. The same goes for how deep your chemical peel will be.

A light chemical peel or popularly called a lunchtime peel improves your skin in a subtle and gentle way. In most cases, you need several treatment sessions for the best results. This type of chemical peel treats only the superficial layer of your skin so you can safely get it even if you have a darker skin tone. It works great for reducing fine lines, acne, sun spots and makes dry and dull-looking skin healthy and radiant. Since it’s a light peel downtime is minimal and you are good as new after a few days.

A medium chemical peel goes a bit deeper into your skin to give it a fresh and smooth look. It’s a great option if you have skin discoloration, acne scars, fine to moderate lines and generally uneven skin tone and texture. Since it is a bit stronger than a light peel, you might need to sit tight for a week before your skin fully heals and reveals that fresh and healthy look.

A deep chemical peel gives you super dramatic results. It goes even deeper and reaches the lower middle layers of the skin. Now, this chemical peel can be a great anti-aging solution because it reduces moderate wrinkles, severely sun-damaged skin and deeper acne scars. Since it is pretty strong, it requires the longest recovery period. But you do it only once and get the results you want – smooth, healthy and radiant skin.

What can you expect during a chemical peel treatment?

No matter which type of chemical peel you choose to get for your skin concerns, rest assured that these treatments will be done professionally at Lucia Clinic. And by professional, we mean with a high level of safety and expertise. That’s why choosing a skilled doctor to do your chemical peel goes a long way in terms of results and comfort.

At its core, a chemical peel treatment is pretty simple – the right chemical solution is applied to your facial skin with a brush or a sponge. But what differentiates chemical peels and why it is necessary to get them done by a professional is the time the solution is left on your skin. It is longer or shorter depending on how deep the chemical solution goes into your skin. And it’s also important to consider how sensitive your skin is. That’s why an expert in dermatology pays attention to every little detail before applying a chemical peel to your skin. After a proper amount of time, the solution is removed from your skin and you get a cooling compress for comfort.

Now, regarding the sensations you may feel while the chemical solution sits on your face, there can be tingling, itching, tightness and warmth. These are all normal reactions so you have nothing to worry about.

What can you expect after a chemical peel treatment?

After the treatment, your skin cells start their turnover which marks the beginning of your recovery period. Your skin needs to heal properly.

So, during your recovery period, your skin may get red or discolored – this especially goes if you have a lighter skin tone. Then comes flaking, shedding and peeling – never touch your skin when this starts to happen to avoid hyperpigmentation. And your skin might feel tight and dry – this is normal so just let it be.

To help your skin heal faster you can try some tricks like keeping your skin cool and clean for 2 days after the procedure. So don’t use makeup and steer clear of exercising, saunas and other activities that can rise your body temperature. Okay, it’s hard to avoid touching your face during recovery, but try to be persistent. Don’t peel, pick or exfoliate your skin – just let it heal on its own. You will get a proper moisturizer from your doctor so keep your skin hydrated on a daily basis. And finally, no sun exposure! Your skin will be super sensitive to heat and light. But if you must go out use sunscreen and hats. This way you will protect your skin.

And just be patient. With proper aftercare, those results that you desire so much will soon be visible.

How will you know if you are a good candidate for a chemical peel?

Well, the answer is simple – you will find out during your consultation with Lucia’s doctors and therapists. Generally, chemical peels work best if you have a light skin tone. But light chemical peels can work just fine if you have a darker skin tone. Also if your goal is to clear acne and acne scars, remove fine lines, and eliminate different types of pigmentations then you are a perfect candidate.
On the other hand, if you have deeper wrinkles, eczema, rosacea, sunburns or some other skin infections, then a chemical peel is not a good idea. The same goes if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. But there are so many different treatments at Lucia Clinic that you are bound to find the one that will work for you.

How often can you get a chemical peel?

This depends on what type of peel you want. Some people include light chemical peels into their regular skincare routine because they simply love the results. They can see that their skin is consistently improving and some of the previous skin concerns don’t appear anymore. So, for light chemical peels, you can have them once a month. This way you will keep your skin healthy, radiant and youthful.  But don’t do them sooner because that’s the time your skin cells need to turn over and reveal a healthy skin layer.
On the other hand, medium chemicals peel can be done every 4 months for example. Since they go deeper into your skin, it needs more time to heal. So, don’t rush it and always consult with your doctor or therapist about your next treatment session.
Finally, deep chemical peels are done only once. In some cases, you CAN repeat them but not sooner than 2 to 3 years.

How can you avoid the risks and unwanted side effects of chemical peels?

The best way is to listen to your doctor’s recommendations and PREPARE for the treatment. With the list of do’s and don’ts, you avoid scars and hyperpigmentation – and only get healthy, radiant and refreshed skin.
So, before the treatment, try to avoid the sun or use a high SPF – this way there won’t be any unwanted discoloration after the treatment. Also, don’t wax your face or use a depilator – don’t make your skin even more sensitive. But DO hydrate a lot! Drink a lot of water and don’t use skin products that dry your skin. And the day before your treatment, skip the gym! Your skin will be grateful and you won’t stress it with excessive sweating.
To find out more about chemical peels, CALL US TODAY and schedule your consultation.