Viora-V form and EmSculpt NEO treatments this hot summer - rejuvenate your facial skin and make it firm or contour your body by reducing fat and toning muscles.

We are all getting ready for the summer season! This May, Lucia Clinic is offering extra specials – try a rejuvenating treatment that will firm your facial skin and a supreme procedure that works both on building your muscles and eliminating stubborn fat pockets. Shape up in a non-invasive way, without the downtime and with instant results!


This unique treatment can do so much for your facial skin. It makes it smoother. It makes it firmer. It can shape your face and make it better-contoured. The Viora-V form is amazing – apart from rejuvenating your face on the outside, it rejuvenates your skin on the inside also. How, you ask? Well, it triggers the most important proteins in your skin- collagen and elastin. These proteins make your skin elastic, firm and youthful-looking. The Viora-V form provides your facial skin with everything it needs to be radiant again and full of life.

Are you bothered with stubborn fat pockets anywhere on your face? Viora-V Form treatment will make them disappear with RF energy and vacuum technology. RF energy is very powerful – while it is emitted it travels into the deep layers of your skin and starts the regeneration of skin cells. The unwanted fat cells stand no chance against the suction from the vacuum element. At the same time, your blood circulation is boosted as well as your lymphatic drainage. The end result -your body starts to flush away the destroyed fat cells and your face gets slimmer and has nicer contours.

Do you want to firm the saggy skin on your face? Viora-V Form can target most areas on your face and make them tighter. This non-invasive procedure is very precise and can exactly address the facial area that is saggy. It can target jowls, under the chin area, eyelids, cheeks – it’s all up to you. It can even improve the skin laxity of your neck or décolletage. Viora V-Form is completely safe and you can undergo this treatment no matter what skin type or tone you have. It is very powerful but it is also gentle. Most importantly, it provides you withbetter toned-facial skin and nicely-shaped facial contours.

Are you worried about the pain? Don’t be – Viora V-form is completely painless. You will be glad to hear that you don’t need any anesthetic before the treatment. The therapist just applies the gel to glide the treatment applicator smoothly over the targeted area. That’s all. The applicator has an integrated cooling system that greatly contributes to your comfort. You just feel a warm sensation because of RF energy and a gentle massage from the suction element. So, no pain – just brilliant results in tightening your facial skin and making it fully rejuvenated.

What about the downtime – is it long? Absolutely not – The Viora V-Form treatment doesn’t require any downtime. Forget about taking time off work or avoiding social interactions- it won’t be necessary. As we said, the treatment is powerful, but also very gentle. The power comes from delivered RF energy but the energy is safe and fully controlled. Moreover, it aims at deeper layers of your skin and it doesn’t affect the surface of your skin. That’s why it is gentle and you can continue with your daily activities right after the treatment.

What about the results – do they look natural? Yes, completely – Viora V-Form helps you achieve dramatic, but still very natural results. First, everything happens beneath your superficial layer – the collagen and elastin get produced, unwanted fat cells get destroyed and your blood circulation gets improved. Then all these benefits resurface to the top – your skin gets gently lifted, your facial contours get slimmer and everything falls into its place as it should. The results are not over-dramatic but you will notice how much your facial skin has improved – it is firmer, fresher and more youthful. In the end – this was your aesthetic goal.

Do you want to take your aesthetic goals to the next level? Do it with Viora-V Form and return your confidence. Your face will be grateful. Add proper nutrition and regular exercise to it, and you will be able to maintain the great results that this treatment will achieve for you. Your skin will look healthier and more beautiful and it will fight aging and gravity with success. Let’s be honest -your face reveals everything. With Viora-V form’s impressive technology, you will fulfill your aesthetic goals and improve the general quality of your skin in a completely painless way but with long-lasting and more importantly natural-looking results.

Why should I choose Lucia Clinic? This question is the easiest to answer – because it is the best! Lucia Clinic is always following the trends in the world of aesthetic beauty but it also sets the trends. This is what makes it a leader in the cosmetic and dermatology industry. What’s more, Lucia’s team of specialists always uses the most advanced skin products and performs the most advanced treatments – Viora V-Form is definitely one of them. They never forget about the patient’s safety – they will make your Viora V-Form treatment an absolutely comfortable experience. And of course, they do their best to provide you with the best results – your satisfaction is their main goal.

Another treatment you can try out this May at Lucia Clinic is the supreme EmSculpt NEO treatment – one of the best procedures for body contouring.



Now we are talking about real stuff – EmSculpt NEO is a revolutionary treatment that works simultaneously on building your muscles and eliminating fat pockets. It makes your contours slimmer. It makes your muscles better defined. It improves your core strength. Does it sound like out of this world? Maybe, but it really delivers amazing results after a single session. It gives you the body shape you always dreamed of having – imagine the boost in your confidence once you achieve your aesthetic goals. And EmSculpt NEO can provide you this without pain, without the downtime and in just a few treatment sessions.

Do you constantly work out in the gym, but some fat pockets simply don’t want to disappear? EmSculpt NEO treatment focuses on those specific stubborn fat pockets and destroys them. This non-invasive treatment uses RF energy to heat the fatty tissue and reduce it. Accumulated fat underneath your skin doesn’t have any chance against this powerful energy. It starts to melt down and gets flushed away through your metabolism. Let’s just say that you can eliminate up to 30% of underlying fat in just one session. And what you get are brilliant results -slimmer contours and firmer skin.

Are you trying to define a group of muscles but you don’t see any results? Then you will finally see those results once EmSculpt NEO builds those muscles for you. Imagine going to the gym but doing nothing. EmSculpt NEO does everything for you – you don’t need to invest any effort at all. But you get better-defined muscles. A powerful HIFEM technology or better to say powerful electromagnetic energy is responsible for building muscles. It is very intense and focuses on a specific group of muscles that you want to shape. It stimulates 20,000 muscle contractions which are impossible in normal situations. Your muscles work out and start to reshape, while you are comfortably sitting on a chair.

Is EmSculpt NEO too uncomfortable? Not at all. EmSculpt NEO is intense but definitely not painful. Remember how Lucia’s Team always pays attention to your comfort?The intensity of the treatment can always be lowered so that you don’t feel any discomfort. The energy used for building muscles and eliminating fat cells is safe and while you’re having the treatment you can concentrate on reading, watching TV or just relaxing. Or you can start thinking about how you will get a 25%muscle increase after just one treatment session.

Does EmSculpt NEO treatment take too much time? This is the best thing – absolutely not! EmSculpt NEO treatment lasts for just 30 minutes. Just compare this time with the numerous hours you spend in the gym. And you still can’t shape some muscles as you wish to. That time is over. With EmSculpt NEO you can lift your buttocks, define your abdomen, tone biceps and triceps, shape your legs or enhance your calves – all during your lunch break. Actually, you spend half an hour on the treatment and you still have some time to spare before you have to go back to work or other daily activities. How great is that? You get a better muscle definition while relaxing comfortably and you save time!

Is there a long downtime after the treatment? Not at all. EmSculpt NEO doesn’t require any downtime or post-procedure restrictions. After the treatment you just feel as if you have had an intensive workout. Your muscles might feel a bit sore but that’s all. Since it is a non-invasive procedure you can leave Lucia Clinic right away. EmSculpt NEO is really the fastest and the most effective way of defining your muscles and eliminating stubborn fat bulges. It truly deserves to be in the top place when it comes to body contouring treatments because it combines two procedures into one and provides you with the best possible results.

Are the results of EmSculpt NEO noticed right away? Yes, completely. EmSculpt NEO gives you smoother skin and stronger muscles immediately. You will get the best results after 4 treatment sessions and the results will continue to improve. This is because your body needs some time to flush away the destroyed fat cells. But once they’re gone, they are gone for good. Just imagine – the results that you achieve after 4 sessions are compared to 4 months of intense workout and a very strict diet. So, what’s the conclusion? EmSculpt NEO treatment is faster and more effective. You can finally enjoy slimmer contours and toned muscles in your targeted body area.

How do you maintain EmSculpt NEO results? Easy – just continue with your healthy lifestyle habits. EmSculpt NEO treatment is ideal if you are already fit, but you are bothered with fat pockets on your thighs or poorly defined muscles on your abdomen for example. Once you achieve your aesthetic goals with this treatment and finally shape your muscles and slim your contours you will be motivated to continue with regular exercise and a nutritious and balanced diet. That way you will be able to keep the best results that this treatment has given you – ideal body shape.



This May you have an awesome choice of specials. You can focus on your face and get 1 treatment session of VioraV-form to lift, firm and rejuvenate your facial skin. Or you can focus on your body and get 4 treatment sessions of EmSculpt NEO to finally slim your contours and define a targeted muscle group. Whichever treatment you choose, you will be satisfied with the results because they are long-lasting, natural-looking and effective.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to schedule your consultation this May at Lucia Clinic.