General dermatology focuses on diseases that can be seen with the naked eye. These diseases can appear on the skin, nails, hair and mucous membrane. Skin diseases can appear at any age and affect both men and women. When treating usual skin diseases it’s important to separate them from rare diseases or the ones that occurred recently. This is performed with the help of clinical and laboratory diagnostics, skin samples analysis and skin function testing. The doctor can diagnose the disease once the results are gathered. After that, the doctor can suggest the proper therapy or treatment. 


  • Prevention of skin cancer
    the doctor examines the moles.
  • Wrinkle treatments
    the treatments include laser therapies, other non-invasive procedures for skin rejuvenation and different injectables.
  • ReFirme Body
    this includes different body sculpting procedures and Anti-cellulite therapy.
  • ReFirme Legs
    these treatments include the reduction of varicose and spider veins.
  • Varicose veins
    the specialist diagnoses vein illnesses.
  • Permanent hair removal
    the doctor first rules out any underlying illnesses like PCO (polycystic ovaries) and hirsutism. After that, the patient can have effective and painless laser hair removal procedures.
  • Allergy diagnostic testing
    The doctor performs the tests based on the patient’s symptoms and allergens.
  • Mucous membrane diseases and allergic skin therapies
    These illnesses are usually caused by viruses and bacteria, or other immunity diseases
  • Psoriasis
    this illness usually appears on the scalp, knees and elbows in a form of scaly and itchy skin.
  • Neurodermatitis/atopic eczema
    This skin illness is characterized by itchy skin and scaly patches of the skin.
  • Rashes, eczema and itching
    the doctor must diagnose the type of skin dermatitis properly because there are different forms of this skin illness.
  • Hair loss and other hair or scalp illnesses
    For hair restoration, there are various injectable treatments like Mesotherapy cocktails, PRP, ACell and others.
  • Nail infections
    there are various illnesses that can affect the nails so they must be diagnosed by a specialist.
  • Fungal diseases
    there are a lot of different fungal diseases so they must be diagnosed by a doctor.
  • Acne
    there are different treatments that address acne including Chemical peels and ClearSkin laser therapy.
  • Removal of warts, cysts, moles and other lesions
    moles and skin lesions are removed because of cosmetic reasons or for further analysis if necessary.
  • Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating
    the doctor must rule out hyper or hypothyroidism or vitamin deficiency before he/she can suggest treatment like Botox injectables.
  • Infectious diseases of the skin
    There are various skin infections that must be diagnosed by a doctor.
  • Rosacea and Couperose
    When properly diagnosed, these skin diseases can effectively be treated with laser therapies.
  • Skin cancer prevention
    The doctor examines the patient’s moles with a method called dermatoscopy. The patient needs to check all new moles or the ones that have started to change their color, shape or size, or the ones that itch, flake, bleed or crust or are raised above the skin.


  • Allergy diagnostic testing
    the patients can get a patch test or blood IgE test in order to find out what allergens are causing their allergy symptoms. After the doctor receives the results from the tests, he/she can suggest proper therapy.
  • Mucous membrane illnesses and allergic skin treatments
    These diseases can appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth or genitals. The patient’s symptoms are examined by a doctor and if necessary the doctor asks for a blood test. When the mucous membrane illness is diagnosed, the doctor suggests the most effective therapy.
  • Neurodermatitis or atopic eczema
    The doctor first examines the areas of the body where the patient has scaling and itching patches of skin. Before the doctor diagnoses this illness, he/she may send a small sample of the patient’s skin for biopsy just to rule out other illnesses. After that, the doctor can determine which treatment is the most effective for the patient’s concerns with neurodermatitis.
  • Psoriasis
    This skin illness appears when skin cells turnover faster than they normally do. During the initial examination, the doctor can diagnose psoriasis right away or ask for a skin sample biopsy. After receiving the results, the doctor can suggest which treatment will most effectively reduce itching and inflammation.
  • Hair loss and other hair or scalp diseases
    The doctor carefully examines the patient’s scalp to determine which procedure would be the safest and most effective for the patient’s hair restoration. The patient can undergo different injectable treatments that stimulate hair follicles to grow new and healthy hair.
  • Nail infections
    These illnesses are generally characterized by pain, swelling and tenderness around the nails. The skin around the nails can get red and warm with pus building under it. The doctor must carefully examine the infected nail or nails to diagnose the infection and choose the right treatment.
  • Itching, rashes and eczema
    There are different forms of dermatitis that are characterized by redness, itching and dryness of the skin. The doctor needs to examine the affected area carefully which is generally on the neck, elbows or knees, to diagnose the right type of dermatitis. In some cases, the doctor might ask for a blood test, an allergy test or a skin sample biopsy before choosing the right treatment or therapy.
  • Fungal diseases
    This skin illness can affect everyone. It is very important to diagnose the disease on time to prevent complications. Mild fungal illness looks like a rash and is quite common. It can develop in all body areas. In order to determine the best treatment, the doctor needs to carefully examine the affected area of the skin.
  • Infectious illnesses of the skin
    these diseases are caused by different viruses, fungi or bacteria. The symptoms include redness, skin tenderness, itching or rash. The doctor needs to carefully examine the affected area in order to diagnose the causes of the skin infection. In some cases, the doctor can diagnose infection just by examining it but in other cases, the doctor might ask for a skin sample biopsy.
  • Removal of warts, moles, cysts and other skin lesions
    There are various methods for the removal of lesions and other skin growth. Once the doctor examines the skin lesion and diagnoses it, he/she determines which technique of removal is the most effective. Moles and other skin growth are removed for aesthetic reasons or in some cases for further analysis.
  • Rosacea and Couperose
    This skin illness is very usual and can affect men or women or younger generations. The symptoms usually include blushing, flushing, small bumps on the face or visible blood vessels. Once the doctor diagnoses rosacea, he/she chooses the most effective laser treatment that can reduce inflammation.


Dermatologic surgery is a field of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of aesthetic and medical conditions of the skin, hair, nails and veins. The treatments include different surgical, non-surgical, cosmetic and reconstructive techniques. These treatments are performed by dermatologists and they are included in the dermatology residency practice. This makes all dermatologists highly skilled and experienced to perform dermatological surgery.

Dermatologic surgeons are all board-certified doctors whose main focus is keeping the patient’s skin healthy and radiant. Dermatologists do medical and aesthetic treatments to maintain the function and appearance of the skin in proper condition.

Dermatological surgery is performed to repair the function or appearance of the patient’s skin.

Since this field of medicine is constantly advancing and new technologies are being researched, dermatological surgeries are usually non-invasive or minimally invasive and need to be done with just local anesthesia or topical numbing agents. This way the safety of the patients is greatly increased and the downtime and recovery periods are significantly reduced. The side effects are usually only temporary and minimal. Groundbreaking techniques improve the already established skin surgery procedures even more.

Some methods that are used by dermatologic surgeons include laser therapies, electrosurgery, scalpel surgery, various injectable procedures and photodynamic therapy.

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