General dermatology is a field of medicine that covers illnesses in the visible eye, hair, nails and mucous membrane. Skin illnesses can occur at any age. Usual skin illnesses need to be separated from rare or just occurring skin illnesses. This is done with laboratory and clinical diagnostics, analysis of skin samples and testing of skin function. The diagnosis is provided once all the results are gathered and then, if necessary, the doctor can recommend a proper therapy.


  • Prevention regarding skin cancer
    This includes mole checks. 
  • Varicose veins
    The doctor diagnoses vein diseases
  • Wrinkle treatments
    This includes injectable, laser, and other non-invasive and minimally invasive procedures for skin rejuvenation and tightening.
  • ReFirme Body
    These treatments include Anti-cellulite therapy and different body shaping procedures.
  • ReFirme Legs
    This includes treatments for spider and varicose veins.
  • Permanent hair removal
    Doctor is doing an initial checkup to rule out any underlying diseases such as PCO (poly cystic ovaries) and hirsutism.
    Then the patients can undergo painless and effective laser hair removal procedures of the latest generation.
  • Mucous membrane illnesses and allergic skin treatments
    Mucous membrane illnesses are caused by bacteria and viruses.
  • Allergy diagnostic testing
    The tests are done according to the patient’s symptoms and possible allergens. 
  • Neurodermatitis/Atopic eczema
    This is a skin condition characterized by constant itching and scaling patches of skin
  • Psoriasis
    This skin disease is characterized by itchy and scaly skin patches mostly on the elbows, knees or scalp. 
  • Eczema, itching and rashes
    There are different forms of skin dermatitis so it’s important to diagnose them properly by a doctor.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases/STDs
    During the diagnosis, the doctor collects blood samples and genital smear tests for female patients
  • Hair loss and other hair and scalp issues like dandruff
    For hair loss and restoration treatments, the patients can undergo several injectable procedures like PRP, ACell, Mesotherapy or Anteage MD StemCell micro-needling.
  • Nail infections
    It’s important to properly diagnose nail infections by a doctor.
  • Fungal diseases
    These skin conditions are very common and it’s important to diagnose them properly.
  • Acne and unclear skin
    According to the severity of acne concerns, the patients can undergo different treatments like ClearSkin laser procedure and various Chemical peels.
  • Excessive sweating/Hyperhidrosis
    For addressing the problem of focal hyperhidrosis, the most effective treatment is Botox injectables.
    Here the doctor needs to rule out first hyper/hypothyroidism or vitamin deficiency.
  • Removal of moles, warts, cysts and other skin lesions
    Moles and other skin lesions are removed for aesthetic reasons or for analysis if necessary.
  • Rosacea and Couperose
    To effectively treat these skin conditions, the doctor can suggest AFT, Laser resurfacing, Clear + Brilliant laser and others.
  • Infectious illnesses of the skin
    There are different skin infections that need to be properly diagnosed by a doctor.


  • Prevention of for skin cancer
    This examination is performed with dermascopy. It is advised to check the newly appeared moles by a dermatologist and if the moles that have changed their shape and color started to itch, crust, flake or bleed, have increased in size and raised above the skin.
  • Mucous membrane illnesses and allergic skin treatments
    These illnesses affect the mucous membranes of the genitals and mouth. The doctor examines the patient’s symptoms of mucous membrane illness and may ask for a blood test. After a proper diagnosis, the doctor determines the most effective treatment.
  • Allergy diagnostic testing
    There are different allergy tests – skin prick, intradermal skin test, patch test and blood IgE test. If the patient is diagnosed with an allergy to certain allergens, the doctor can suggest to the patient the proper therapy.
  • Neurodermatitis/Atopic eczema
    The doctor examines the area where the patient has itching and scaling patches. To diagnose it, the doctor might take a small sample of skin to perform a skin biopsy and rule out other causes. Next, the doctor suggests the proper treatment for the patient’s neurodermatitis issues.
  • Psoriasis
    This skin disease starts when skin cells are replaced faster than they should. After the doctor examines the patient’s skin area affected by this condition he/she can immediately diagnose psoriasis or perform a skin biopsy. Next, the doctor determines which treatment will reduce inflammation and itching. 
  • Eczema, itching and rashes
    Patients can have different forms of dermatitis. Most of these skin diseases include redness, dryness and itching. The doctor carefully examines the affected area of the skin which is usually on the elbows, neck or knees and diagnoses the type of dermatitis. The doctor may even perform some tests like blood tests, a skin biopsy or an allergy skin test.
  • Hair loss and other hair and scalp issues like dandruff
    After a careful examination of the patient’s scalp, the doctor determines which treatment is the most effective for the patient’s hair loss issues. There are different injectable treatments that achieve brilliant results in hair loss restoration – they stimulate the hair follicles and new and healthy hair growth.
  • Nail infection
    This skin condition is usually characterized by swelling, pain and tenderness around the nails. The skin may be red and warm, and pus can build up under it. After a careful examination of the affected nail or nails, the doctor diagnoses the infection and determines the proper treatment.
  • Fungal diseases
    This skin disease can affect anyone and it is important to diagnose it on time and prevent complications. Moderate fungal disease is very common and looks like a rash. It can appear anywhere on the body. The doctor carefully examines the affected area of the skin and determines the most effective treatment.
  • Removal of moles, warts, cysts and other skin lesions
    There are different techniques for skin growth and lesion removal. It’s important to get them properly diagnosed by a doctor, who determines which method of removal is the most effective. Moles and other skin lesions can be removed for cosmetic reasons or for further analysis if necessary.
  • Rosacea and Couperose
    This skin condition is very common and can affect anyone. It is characterized by flushing, blushing, visible blood vessels or small bumps on the face. After diagnosing rosacea, the doctor determines which treatment is the most effective for controlling and reducing the inflammation
  • Infectious illnesses of the skin
    Infectious skin diseases are caused by various bacteria, viruses or fungi. They are characterized by redness, rash, itching or skin tenderness. It’s important to get properly examined by a doctor to determine what caused the skin infection. The doctor can identify the skin infection by looking at it, but sometimes the doctor may perform a skin biopsy to properly diagnose it.


Dermatology surgery covers the diagnosis and treatment of cosmetic and medical conditions of the skin, nails, hair and veins by different cosmetic, surgical, non-surgical and reconstructive techniques. It is done by all dermatologists and it is a part of dermatology residency training. Therefore all dermatologists are highly trained to perform it.

Dermatologic surgeons are board-certified physicians focusing on keeping the skin healthy and beautiful. Most dermatologic surgeons perform cosmetic and medical procedures to keep the appearance and function of the skin in good condition. 

Dermatology surgery is done to improve or repair the function and aesthetic appearance of the skin.

Because of advanced research and innovations in instruments and technology, most dermatology surgeries are minimally or non-invasive and require only local anesthesia or topical numbing cream. This greatly increases patient safety and significantly reduces downtime or recovery period. Also, the side effects are only minimal and temporary. New developments and groundbreaking methods enhance the outcomes of established skin surgery treatments even further.

Some of the techniques used by dermatologic surgeons are scalpel surgery, lasers, electrosurgery, photodynamic therapy and different injectable agents.


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