Rosacea is a very usual skin condition. Patients usually start getting rosacea if they tend to flush and blush more than others. 

The redness starts at the nose and cheeks and spreads to the chin and forehead. In some cases, it can even spread to the ears, chest, and back. 

But this skin condition can cause more than redness. There are four types of rosacea according to their signs and symptoms:

Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea includes flushing, redness, and visible blood vessels.

Papulopustular rosacea causes symptoms like swelling, redness and breakouts similar to acne.

Phymatous rosacea causes the skin to get thicker and have an uneven texture.

Ocular rosacea causes red and irritated eyes and swollen eyelids. 

As time passes, patients with rosacea notice that they are permanently red in the center of their faces.

How It Works


The exact cause of rosacea’s appearance is unknown. It can be linked to hereditary and environmental factors but not to poor hygiene. 

Basically, factors that cause and aggravate rosacea are the ones that increase the blood flow to the surface of the skin. These factors include

  • Alcohol
  • Hor drinks
  • Spicy food
  • Sun and wind
  • Cosmetics
  • Emotions
  • Exercise
  • Medications that dilate blood vessels

Everyone can get rosacea. But some patients are more prone to it, especially if they are women, over 30, and have fair skin. Or rosacea can affect patients who smoke or have a family history of this skin condition. 


Before a proper rosacea treatment can be chosen, the patient is consulted with the doctor. The doctor examines the patient’s skin and asks about the symptoms of rosacea. There is no specific test that can diagnose rosacea. The doctor may only ask for some tests to eliminate other conditions because it is sometimes challenging to diagnose rosacea in patients who have darker skin tones. 

If the symptoms of rosacea are affecting the patient’s eyes, the doctor may first ask the patient to examine his/her eyes at the ophthalmologist. 


Rosacea can get worse with time, especially if it is not treated. The redness becomes more visible, and bumps filled with puss may develop. Since the problem of rosacea happens underneath the skin’s surface, laser treatments can offer effective and long-lasting results. 

At Lucia Clinic, patients can have safe and effective laser treatments to reduce rosacea. These treatments include Harmony AFT and Viora IPL.


This is one of the most effective procedures for treating rosacea and revealing a clear skin complexion.

The applicator’s tip is placed directly on the patient’s skin, and wavelengths of light are emitted to the visible blood vessels. The laser light emits heat to these vessels, breaks them down, and they eventually collapse. After several treatment sessions, these vessels disappear, and the patient’s skin becomes smooth and clear. 

This treatment reduces inflammation, uneven skin tone, and redness that is caused by rosacea. The skin gradually improves as the treatment triggers the production of collagen, which slowly reduces the appearance of rosacea. 


Viora IPL is one of the most advanced treatments for rosacea. It is minimally uncomfortable and has a short downtime. It can be safely used for all skin types. Every patient gets a customized treatment plan that addresses his/her specific rosacea concerns. The doctor presents the parameters, which include the right filter or wavelength that targets rosacea concerns. 

It has a unique contact cooling feature which makes the treatment even more tolerable.  

VIORA-IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a unique procedure because its applicator emits intense, visible pulsed light and treats the skin with heat and light. The emitted light energies are absorbed by hemoglobin but not by healthy skin cells. The energy only heats the blood vessels. During this treatment, Bi-Polar Radio Frequency and Light Frequencies are combined and emitted to hemoglobin to improve rosacea. This powerful treatment targets only the skin area affected by this condition and doesn’t damage the healthy tissue. The pulses of light penetrate the skin in a controlled manner and target the patient’s skin imperfections. The light triggers the body’s natural processes that eliminate the treated tissue. It also stimulates collagen production and the growth of new and healthy skin cells. The skin gets significantly improved in texture and tone.


Harmony AFT and Viora-IPL are non-invasive laser treatments that don’t require long downtime and don’t cause severe side effects. Therefore they are perfect solutions for patients who want to treat rosacea without invasive procedures. 

They are safe and fully controlled procedures.

After a proper number of treatment sessions, these procedures can significantly reduce redness and inflammation and make the skin more evenly toned and smoother. 

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      Before the patient with rosacea can have the treatment, he/she is consulted with the doctor. The doctor examines the patient’s skin and creates a customized treatment plan that addresses only the patient’s concerns with rosacea and includes the number of necessary treatment sessions for the best outcomes. The doctor also asks the patient about the current medications he/she might be taking, previous medical history, and the aesthetic goals the patient wishes to achieve with this treatment. The doctor advises the patients on how to get ready for the procedure. Some recommendations may include avoiding sun exposure, tanning beds, aspirin, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory medications.

      Before the treatment starts, the patient’s targeted skin area is carefully cleaned. Next, the nurse applies a cooling gel to the patient’s face. The patient gets protective eyewear, and the treatment can start. The doctor uses the treatment applicator to scan the targeted area.

      This procedure is non-invasive and only mildly uncomfortable. The patient might feel a slight heat when the laser light is emitted. The applicator has an integrated cooling effect, so the discomfort is minimized. It also makes the treatment safe.

      One session can last for about an hour. It all depends on the size of the targeted area and the severity of rosacea. When the treatment is over, the nurse cleans the patient’s face and applies a cold compress to soothe the patient’s skin.


      The treatment is non-invasive, so it requires minimal or no downtime at all. Most patients can return to their everyday activities immediately.

      Some usual side effects may appear, including redness, stinging and post inflammatory. These side effects feel like mild sunburn. The patient should avoid sun exposure one week before and after the treatment, and use a high SPF to avoid hyperpigmentation because the skin is sensitive.

      It is usually recommended to have 4 to 8 sessions once a month for the best outcomes.

      The initial improvement is seen after a week post-treatment, but the best results appear in 3 to 5 months. They include even skin tone and significantly reduced redness and inflammation.


      Before the treatment, the patient’s face is cleaned. Then the doctor applies cooling gel to the targeted area, and the patient gets protective eyewear.

      One of the features that make this procedure very effective is that all parameters can be set to treat the patient’s specific rosacea concerns. These parameters include the intensity and duration of the light pulse, configuration, and pause between two pulses. Even the proper Viora-IPL applicator is used for treating rosacea. All these features make this procedure effective and safe.

      The doctor treats the patient’s targeted area in gliding motions or single zaps. The doctor has a full control of the pulse duration and frequency. With the Contact Cooling feature, provided before, during, and after each pulse, the patient doesn’t feel significant discomfort as the tissue gets heated up.

      The treatment is very fast because it is fully controlled and customized. It all depends on the severity of rosacea, but it can usually be finished in less than one hour.

      The right number of sessions depends on the severity of the rosacea and the patient’s goals from the treatment. Usually, it is recommended to have up to 10 sessions for the best outcomes.


      This procedure is very safe because it is fully customized for each patient, so usually, it requires minimal to no downtime. The patient can resume his/her activities immediately.

      Side effects are minimal, including redness of the treated area, which resolves after a few days. It is recommended to use a high SPF when sun exposure to protect the skin.

      The first improvements can be seen after the first session - the skin is significantly less inflamed and red. To maintain the results, the patient can have additional touch-up treatments every 6 months or when necessary.