Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves removing fat pockets from the body. It is also called lipo, liposculpture or lipoplasty. It doesn’t represent a weight-loss procedure, but an effective solution for sculpting problematic areas of the body.

It is suitable for patients who can’t remove stubborn pockets of fat, no matter how much they exercise or keep a healthy and balanced diet.

There are different kinds of liposuction that include dry, wet, ultrasound assisted and laser-assisted ones.

Procedure info at a glance

Will I be awake or asleep during the surgery? Local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia can be used
Do I stay in hospital after surgery? Might be needed to stay for 1 night
What is the recovery time? When can I return to work/exercise? Back to work after 1 week usually, the rest will depend on the extent of surgery
How long will the surgery last? 1-4 hours, depending on extent of surgery
How long until the final results of surgery are visible? 6 months after the surgery


This type of surgical procedure is known as tumescent liposuction. During the surgery, a tumescent solution comprised of saline, an anesthetic and a chemical is used to numb the skin and to reduce blood flow to the fat. This way of liposuction reduces the possibility of excessive bleeding, controls the pain and lowers the risk of too much bruising and swelling.

During this surgical procedure, the surgeon makes a small incision next to the targeted area and injects the tumescent solution into the fat. Next, the surgeon uses a cannula or a thin, hollow tube to separate the fat tissue from the other tissues in the skin and to break it down. As the cannula tool performs a suction, the fat and the saline solution are removed from the body. After the surgery, the patient is left with a better-shaped silhouette as the treated area has less fat.

Wet liposuction is not as invasive as other types of this surgery and it doesn’t provoke many complications as dry liposuction does. Therefore, dry liposuction is not performed so often anymore. The only disadvantage is that the wet liposuctions can last longer to complete.


Laser-assisted liposuction uses medical laser beams that liquefy the fat in the targeted area. The fat is then sucked out from the body.

During this procedure, a special cannula is used that emits ultrasound energy and vibrates very quickly. The energy liquefies the fat as the cannula goes through the fat.

There are some potential complications and risks of this procedure like infection, bruising, minor bleeding, swelling and numbness. The surgeon can prescribe pain medication to manage these discomforts.

The recovery time is usually very short and most patients can return to work a few days after the surgery.

The effects of this liposuction are really brilliant. The skin starts to get tighter and firmer and this positive effect continues for up to 6 months. A great benefit of this procedure is that the removed fat cells can’t grow back. If the patient gains fat after the surgery, it is very likely that fat pockets won’t appear in the treated areas.


This form of liposuction involves liquefying fat cells before they are removed from the body. The plastic surgeon uses an ultrasound together with ultrasonic waves to reach fat cells. This procedure is ideal for patients who can’t get rid of smaller areas of fat pockets that can’t be removed with exercise or diet.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction removes fat more precisely and can eliminate fibrous fat or so-called fat rolls. It also leaves the surrounding nerves unharmed.

The recovery time after the surgery is relatively short. The patients can return to their normal everyday routine after a week. There are some minor side effects like swelling and bruising but they usually subside after a couple of weeks.


Perhaps the best part of liposuction is that it can provide permanent elimination of fat cells. Once removed the fat cells can’t grow back. However, it is important to remember that the patient should keep his/her weight stable because he/she can still gain fat in other areas of the body.

Liposuction surgery can improve the patient’s appearance and the way other people perceive him/her. This surgery provides more aesthetically appealing contours once the unwanted fat deposits are eliminated from the body.

The surgery can improve the patient’s self-esteem. If the patient is self-conscious of his/her problematic body areas, liposuction can help him/her become more self-confident when wearing more flattering clothes.

Liposuction removes the stubborn fat deposits that simply won’t go away no matter how much the patient works out or keeps a proper diet. It provides brilliant results to patients who have stable weight but wish to improve their contours in areas like the abdomen, waist, legs, arms or back. It is important to keep a healthy and balanced diet and to exercise regularly after the surgery because this way the patients can enjoy their nicely contoured bodies and maintain the effects of liposuction for a longtime.



    Anyone who doesn’t manage to achieve a better-sculpted body with other fat removal techniques may be a good candidate for this surgery. Also, any patient who is struggling with stubborn fat pockets no matter how much they try to eliminate them with a healthy lifestyle can benefit from this surgery.

    It is important that the patients are at a stable weight and are of generally good health.

    Moreover, patients who have preserved their skin firm and elastic in the area where they want to eliminate fat, are good candidates for this procedure.

    Liposuction can be performed on the abdomen, buttocks, legs, arms, back and inner knee.

    Even though there are different kinds of liposuction, not every kind is for every patient - during the consultation, the surgeon can advise the patient which liposuction method would be the best for him/her.


    It is essential that the patients remember this fact before they start considering liposuction. Generally, the surgeon can remove up to 3 liters of fat during liposuction surgery because more than that can lead to complications. Also, if too much fat is removed at once liposuction increases the risk of leaving the patient with saggy skin. The skin can’t contract to fit the treated area if too much fat is removed.




    When the patient comes to Lucia Clinic, first he/she is consulted with the plastic surgeon. They discuss the patient’s overall health and previous medical history. The surgeon examines the patient to see if he/she is a suitable candidate for this procedure.

    The surgeon asks the patient about:
    ● Other surgeries that the patient might have had
    ● Previous weight gain or loss
    ● Any medications that the patient is currently taking
    ● If the patient suffers from any allergies
    ● If the patient smokes

    After this discussion, the surgeon creates a customized plan that will address the patient’s specific concerns. Then the surgeon explains how the surgery looks like and how long the recovery time will last and the patient talks about his/her goals and expectations.

    The surgeon can remove up to 3 liters of fat during liposuction surgery so the patient discusses how much fat is actually necessary to remove to meet his/her aesthetic goals.

    If the patient decides to undergo the liposuction surgery, he/she meets with the anesthesiologist to discuss what kind of anesthesia will be used during the surgery. It can be local or general anesthesia. Usually, liposuction is performed under general anesthesia.

    Before the surgery, the plastic surgeon gives recommendations to the patients on how to prepare properly. It is important that the patient follows this advice. Good preparation can lower the risks of any complications during the surgery and can speed up the recovery time.

    ● Driving - the patient has to arrange for someone to pick him/her after the surgery because he/she won’t be able to handle driving because of the post-anesthesia effect.

    ● High BMI - the surgeon takes the patient’s Body Mass Index or BMI into account when deciding if the patient is a good candidate for liposuction. Usually, a maximum BMI is 30 - if the patient has BMI greater than 30, the surgeon may decide not to perform the operation. The surgeon can advise the patient to lose a bit of weight if he/she is close to the proper BMI. High BMI can bring more serious risks during the operation.

    ● Stopping smoking - if the patient smokes, the surgeon will advise him/her to stop it 6 weeks before and after the surgery, because it can speed up the recovery period.


    When the patient gets into the operating room and receives the anesthesia, the surgery can start. The surgeon makes incisions that are necessary for fat extraction but they are no longer than a centimeter. The surgeon can make the incisions in discreet places so that the scars won’t be so noticeable. Of course, it all depends on the size and place of the treated area. When the fat is extracted from the patient’s body. The surgeon closes the incisions and finishes the surgery.


    In most cases, the patients can go home the same day as the surgery, but sometimes they have to spend the night at the hospital.

    The surgeon may recommend to the patient to wear a compression garment for a few weeks to reduce the swelling and speed up the recovery.

    Before the patient leaves the hospital, he/she needs to schedule another appointment with the surgeon. During this appointment, the surgeon checks if the patient is healing properly and removes the stitches if they are not dissolvable.

    Also, the surgeon will give advice to the patient about how to behave during the recovery period. It is important that the patient strictly follows the recovery protocol. Some of the advice includes:

    ● Taking time off work - the time that needs to pass before the patient can return to work depends on the type of job that the patient does and how extensive the surgery was. Usually, the patient can return to work after a week post-surgery.

    ● Proper diet - the patient should keep a healthy and balanced diet. He/she should avoid food with too much salt or sugar and eat food rich in proteins. The patient should also drink plenty of water. After the recovery period, the patient should continue with a balanced diet in order not to gain weight and compromise the results of liposuction.

    ● Exercising - the surgeon will recommend when the patient can return to exercising and doing sports.

    ● Sleeping - The patient should take plenty of rest after the surgery but he/she should also take short walks in order not to get blood clots.


    Although they may be rare, there are some risks and complications that come with this surgery. The surgeon talks with the patient about them prior to the surgery and it is important that the patient fully understands them.

    Some of the risks include:

    ● Bleeding and bruising
    ● Swelling
    ● Having an allergic reaction to anesthesia
    ● Different sensations of the treated area
    ● Lumps at the treated area
    ● Hypertrophic or keloid scars
    ● Blood clots

    It is important to follow all the surgeon’s recommendations for the preparation in order to lower the possibility of complications. For example, the surgeon may advise the patient to stop taking blood-thinning medications like Aspirin. This reduces the risk of excessive bleeding.


    Every patient is different so the results may vary. Right after the surgery, the patient may notice that their treated area is slimmer and better sculpted, but it takes some time to see the best results. The patient’s body needs to settle completely, the swelling needs to subside and the skin needs to contract. Usually, it takes 6 months to see the final outcomes of liposuction.

    The results can be permanent, as long as the patient keeps his/her weight stable. If the weight fluctuates after the surgery the results can change. It is therefore a good idea to keep a healthy lifestyle to prolong the effects of the surgery.