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Today, we are going to share valuable insights about Dr.Radmila’s achievements in the field of dermatology and anti-aging. Also, we are going to talk about how Dr. Radmila became a premium dermatologist in the region with her commitment to achieving exceptional results for you.


  1. Dr. Lukian’s forward-thinking approach to skincare
  2. Adopting the latest techniques makes Dr. Lukian the leader in the region
  3. Dr. Lukian’s mission – a holistic approach to well-being
  4. Dr. Lukian’s contribution to the development of dermatology
  5. The secret of Dr. Lukian’s success – a unique approach to skincare


When you enter the world of skincare, one of the most important things that top dermatologists like Dr. Lukian never forget is the link between science and beauty. Together, they make radiant skin. The field of dermatology is very attractive and it is always developing – true visionaries like Dr. Lukian stand at the forefront and look after your body’s largest organ.
Why is Dr. Lukian’s forward-thinking crucial in the world of skincare?

Because she is the one who follows the newest trends, latest research and groundbreaking technologies and techniques. But she doesn’t just observe these rapid changes in her field – she is an innovation pioneer.

Perhaps one of the reasons why Dr. Lukian became a leader in the region is her gift to see the future where every patient can have flawless skin. It’s not just about the present – visionaries believe that with the right approach, everyone can benefit from innovations.

The right treatment or combination of different techniques and products can help every patient find their fountain of youth.

Another thing that goes so well with forward-thinking is the pursuit of knowledge. Dr. Radmila is on the lookout for the advancement that revolutionizes our way of skincare. This requires constant exploration of scientific research and leaving no stone unturned.
Dr. Lukian’s relentless dedication to expanding her knowledge helps her to keep up with the constant changes in the field of dermatology, which is full of competition.

This thirst for knowledge is something that makes Dr. Radmila recognized not just by her patients but also by the top experts in the dermatology world.

How does Dr. Lukian’s forward-thinking create exceptional results for her patients?
Forward-thinking is a key trait that every premium dermatologist must have. Dermatology covers a huge realm of different factors that affect the health and appearance of our skin. Lifestyle, genetics and environment all shape up our largest organ. But with a forward-thinking approach to skincare Dr. Lukian can already see what her patients need to keep their skin radiant and healthy – sometimes even before skin concerns arise. That’s why her bespoke treatments for every patient bring such exceptional results.

We can’t escape aging – it leaves its mark on our skin. Fine lines and wrinkles, saggy skin and dull-looking complexion are some of the first signs of time. But,

Dr. Lukian is amazing in foreseeing the future of our skin and truly believes in preventative measures.

These measures can be so powerful – with the right approach and proper aesthetic and anti-aging treatments, Dr. Lukian believes we can help our skin to postpone aging.

But we can’t talk just about the future – a premium dermatologist like Dr. Lukian accepts the present and everything it carries. The world of dermatology is a huge twirl of new products, cutting-edge treatments and the latest technologists.

Dr. Lukian is always among the first ones to research these innovations and comprehend their benefits and disadvantages. Add all that to her extensive knowledge of skin and its concerns,

This leader in dermatology and anti-aging always tailors the best skincare treatments that so many of her patients have adopted as their regular skincare routine.

Once she achieves exceptional results for her patients, they will never forget them and always return.

In the end, Dr. Lukian’s motto has always been – your skin deserves the best. And the best skin appearance can’t be achieved without a forward-thinking approach to skincare. Dr. Lukian achieves the best skin for her patients with her cutting-edge treatments, pioneering solutions and revolutionary techniques – beautiful, healthy and radiant skin has finally become a reality to so many of Dr. Radmila’s patients.

Dr. Lukian really embodies all the qualities of a visionary, a pioneer and a caretaker of our skin. With her commitment to progress, she shapes the future of limitless beauty for everyone.


It’s hard to imagine how much dermatology is an attractive field with so many developments and innovations emerging constantly. Dr. Lukian is always at the forefront, staying ahead of the competition by applying cutting-edge treatments and technologies. She does it because she always thinks about the future but also to give her patients even better and more effective treatments. In the end, Dr. Lukian’s patients are the top priority for her.

Let’s discuss why introducing the latest treatments is so important for Dr. Lukian.

To understand this better you must first understand the essence of being a premium dermatologist like Dr. Lukian. Applying new techniques and technologists in skincare proves that Dr. Lukian has curiosity which is a sign that she is a top dermatologist – she drives dermatology forward. Dr. Lukian actually participates in developing dermatology and aesthetic treatments by offering them to her patients.

What are some of the innovative treatments that Dr. Lukian offered to her patients?

Something that singles Dr. Lukian out is her initiative to be the first in the region to offer these advanced treatments. This makes her the leader in the region but also worldwide. For example, when you are the first to offer EMSCULPT NEO, people will swarm into your dermatology clinic to try it.

EMSCULPT NEO is a fantastic body-contouring treatment that brings amazing results in just 4 sessions. Dr. Radmila immediately recognized the great potential of this procedure and offered it to her patients.

They were amazed by this powerful procedure that burns fat deposits and tones different muscles at the same time. It’s a revolutionary procedure and

Since Dr. Lukian is a visionary and pioneer she transformed the lives of so many of her patients with EMSCULPT NEO.

But she introduced this procedure to the Middle East after careful research and tryout. The safety and well-being of her patients are always in the first place – Dr.Lukian is committed to providing the best care and exceptional results.

Then there was CoolSculpting ELITE – Dr. Lukian was the exclusive provider of this treatment in her dermatology and aesthetic center. A new, advanced and more effective treatment found its place at Lucia Clinic because Dr. Lukian recognized CoolSculpting ELITE’s truly innovative qualities. Her patients loved it.

We know that trends come and go, but premium dermatologists like Dr. Lukian can see if a treatment or technology will stay and make a difference in the world of dermatology. That’s all thanks to her vast experience, expertise and research.

She only adopts treatments that are backed by scientific research and that show great potential for amazing results.

Another brilliant treatment that appeared first at Lucia Clinic was EMSCULPT NEO EDGE – it is really cutting-edge. This body-sculpting treatment can finally do what many people want – sculpt and tone love handles. Dr. Radmila embraced this advanced treatment fully confident that it will revolutionize non-invasive body sculpting. And she was right – EMSCULPT NEO EDGE offered something new.

Dr. Radmila’s patients now can burn fat pockets and tone waist muscles at the same time. This was never possible before, but as we said this treatment transformed the lives of so many. All thanks to Dr. Lukian’s forward-thinking approach.

Being a premium and leading dermatologist in the region carries a huge amount of responsibility. A huge experience, success and acknowledgment bring credibility and trust – Dr. Lukian lacks none of these.

With a keen knowledge of the human body and its complex systems, skin physiology, mechanisms of cells and all other factors that affect our skin Dr. Lukian can easily see how effective are the new treatments and if they will bring positive changes in the world of dermatology.

One such treatment, that was right away recognized as transformative is definitely Sofwave. Safe and non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment, Sofwave is even claimed to be better than BOTOX. Dr. Radmila gained firsthand experience with this innovative treatment and knew right away that it would create a lot of buzz.

Being among the first in the UAE to introduce the latest treatments and techniques really positioned Dr. Lukian as the leader in the region.

This policy allows this exceptional dermatologist to become an expert in the appreciation of these treatments and thus upgrade her level of competence even further. This extensive knowledge benefits her patients to the fullest.


We can easily portray Dr. Lukian as a guiding light that goes beyond traditional dermatology. Her focus on the holistic approach to skincare and the overall health of her patients is something that singles this doctor out.

Why is a holistic approach so important for Dr. Lukian?

Because it’s the only way we can achieve radiant skin. The holistic approach is based on the fact that our skin isn’t an isolated system – it is an essential part of our well-being.

Dr. Lukian believes that we can get healthy skin when we work on our well-being from every aspect.

These aspects include our mind, body and soul.

This wonderful doctor always says that our skin reflects our inner selves. The skin is like a mirror that shows our physical, emotional and mental state. That’s why Dr. Lukian tries to understand her patients on all their levels and thus achieves brilliant results regarding skincare.

As a dedicated dermatologist, Dr. Lukian goes beyond the symptoms she can see on the surface.

She takes into account the patient’s entire health and tries to find the real cause of all disbalances shown on the skin.

Since she approaches her patients as individuals, she easily helps them to restore the lost balance in their bodies and achieves long-term results with her treatments. She doesn’t focus on the short external skin repairs but rather on the whole being.

One factor that greatly influences our skin health is the level of stress. We live in a fast-paced world full of demanding challenges. We often don’t have enough time to relax and do something for ourselves. This often leads to disbalance in the emotional aspects of our being which eventually affect the health of our skin also.

Dr. Lukian advises her patients to take a deep breath from time to time and find a technique that will lower their stress levels. Only then they can truly benefit from skincare treatments and return their radiance.

We only get one skin and it is our home that holds us together.

This is something that Dr. Lukian often mentions. We should look after our largest organ throughout our entire being and ultimately achieve a healthy and radiant skin complexion.

That’s why we should also reconsider our lifestyle choices – they can greatly influence our skin appearance. Dr. Lukian discusses with her patients about their diet, habits, sleep patterns, exercise and environmental factors like sun exposure.

With her holistic approach, Dr. Lukian helps her patients to understand that only a small improvement in daily habits can greatly support the health of our skin. It can be a change in diet or regular exercise – her patients learn how to control their entire well-being.

Moreover, Dr. Lukian’s holistic approach emphasizes the importance of preventative care. She advises her patients on maintaining skin quality and health before skin concerns start to appear. She creates bespoke treatments and skincare routines for her patients that prolong the appearance of first aging signs.

Also, she always stresses out that sun protection is crucial, especially in a region like Dubai. It’s important to find the best treatments for the patients but it is also vital to educate them on how to take control of their skin health – this is something that Dr. Lukian always shares with her patients.

All this together makes Dr. Lukian a premium dermatologist. By focusing on the entire well-being of her patients, she has helped them to achieve healthy and radiant skin and to shine from the inside out.


One of the traits of premium dermatologists is their role in developing dermatology. Dr. Lukian has contributed so much to this field with her research and sharing her knowledge with other experts. She is constantly invited to be a keynote speaker at important congresses and events. Being an inspirational educator, Dr. Lukian has gained credibility and earned the trust of many aspiring dermatologists.

Let’s discuss how Dr. Lukian expands the boundaries of dermatology to improve patients’ results even further.

Dr. Lukian never overlooks the power of educating herself and educating others. Since she is a leader in her field she passes on her knowledge to other thinkalikes. We can say that

Dr. Lukian’s expertise guides others on their path of understanding new technologies and advanced skincare treatments.

During her career, Dr. Lukian has participated in clinical trials and worked with top scientists and other leaders in her field. She contributes to the discovery or clarification of advanced approaches to skincare.

Also, she is an expert in combining different treatments and techniques in order to achieve the best outcomes for her patients. It can be PRP therapy combined with micro-needling or stem cells and exosomes for ultimate skin rejuvenation. Whatever combination Dr. Lukian chooses for her patients it fulfills their aesthetic goals.

That’s all thanks to her wide knowledge of how skin cells function and how they can be repaired and rejuvenated in non-invasive or minimally invasive ways.

Our skin is so powerful – it can heal itself with a little boost from the right product or the right method.

Since Dr. Lukian is a renowned dermatologist and anti-aging specialist, she is always invited to attend prestigious conferences. This gives her a chance to further expand her knowledge and apply it immediately in her work.

Some of the famous events that Dr. Lukian contributed to are IMCAS, AMWC, Alma Academy and so many others. Her next venture will be FACE Conference – Medical Aesthetics Conference and Exhibition in the UK. She travels all over the world to gain knowledge and to educate others.

Dr. Lukian is specifically known for her solutions to skin concerns for people in Dubai. This multicultural city is challenging for Dr. Lukian because she meets so many different people with different skin types and tones. But this is where her expertise breaks through – she creates bespoke treatments that return the radiance to her patients’ skin.

The most usual skin concern in Dubai is sun damage – it can lead to pigmentation, sunburn, broken capillaries, wrinkles and a dull and dry surface of the skin. With Dr. Lukian’s brilliantly combined treatments, her patients nourish and refresh their skin and never forget to use a high SPF.

We can’t forget to mention that

Dr. Lukian advocates advancement in dermatology in her interviews for world-renowned magazines.

She is often featured in VogueArabia, Harper’s Baazar, Elle Arabia and many more. She is also one of the 100 women entrepreneurs who shaped the region.

With her captivating personality, she has won the hearts of many with her mission to raise awareness of a holistic approach to skincare and the importance of prevention. She is a though-leader and her advice is often sought by many public figures and people out of the limelight – she is here for everyone.

On the whole, Dr. Lukian contributes to the development of dermatology in many ways. Innovative research, expertise, working with other top dermatologists, educating others and advising the patients are all important factors that make Dr. Lukian a premier dermatologist.

Her constant commitment and pursuit of excellence keep her at the forefront of groundbreaking techniques and treatments. We can say that Dr. Lukian is shaping the future of skincare and improving the quality of so many with her devotion to the field of dermatology and anti-aging solutions.


One thing that sets Dr. Lukian apart is her unique approach that constantly raises the bar of supremacy. She is dedicated to achieving exceptional results for her patients with her knowledge, expertise and paying individual attention to each and every one. All this definitely makes her a prime doctor and a leader in the region.

Let’s discuss what kind of approach to skincare Dr. Lukian has.

The most important thing that Dr. Lukian always points out is that every patient’s skin is unique.

Every patient has different skin concerns and aesthetic goals. There isn’t one type of treatment that works for everyone. Skin is a delicate organ and can develop thousands of different problems – each of the problems can have thousands of nuances. Therefore Dr. Lukian approaches every patient with a personalized touch to achieve brilliant results.

When a patient comes to Lucia Clinic to consult with Dr. Lukian, she takes her time to thoroughly examine the patient’s skin. She listens to the patient carefully to understand his/her concerns, lifestyle choices, medical history and finally aesthetic goals.

Also, she talks with her patients about the environmental influence on their skin, the level of their stress and overall well-being. So, as you can see, it’s not enough to focus just on the skin concerns that appear on the surface. Dr. Lukian always digs deeper to find the real cause of skin conditions. With her holistic approach, her consultations with the patients cover all aspects.

That’s the only way a dermatologist can create the right treatment for the patient – Dr. Lukian never forgets that.

Her treatments and unique approach support long-lasting skin health and balance of the entire well-being.

That’s the only way a dermatologist can create the right treatment for the patient – Dr. Lukian never forgets that.

Dr. Lukian really believes in the power of open communication. She is always honest with her patients and makes sure their expectations and aesthetic goals are understood and defined.

She also educates her patients and empowers them to take control of their skincare and their entire well-being. She helps them to better understand their skin in terms of its type, tone and concerns.

She never forgets to take into account her patients’ wishes and they together make a decision about the best treatments. This greatly improves the overall patient experience and ultimately leads to exceptional results.

One of the reasons why Dr. Lukian has her unique approach to skincare is because she is passionate about her job.

Her mission is to deliver exceptional results to her patients and positively improve their lives.

With her compassionate approach to every patient, Dr. Lukian has won hearts and gained the trust of countless patients from all walks of life. Lindsey Lohan, Naomi Campbell, Sonia Mirza, Huda Kattan, Marion Bartoli are just a few of the famous people who have become Dr. Lukian’s regular patients. They have recognized her as a trusted guide toward healthy and radiant skin.

We could say so much more about this wonderful doctor. With her hard work and dedication, she is an inspiration to us all. She deserves to be called the leader in the region, a premium doctor and dermatologists and most importantly a true visionary.