MD codes represent an advanced treatment for skin rejuvenation. They include precise injecting of, for example, Dermal Fillers to strategically determined points on the face. The treatment is minimally invasive and doesn’t require a long recovery. This revolutionary procedure provides youthful-looking and radiant skin.

The injectables restore the volume in eight areas on the face, provide a subtle lift and long-lasting results without surgery, incisions and scars. Only a small amount of Dermal Fillers is injected in to these 8 points on the face which makes this treatment virtually painless. Dermal Fillers are safe to be injected all across the face and provide natural-looking and effective results.

Procedure info at a glance

Is it painful? No since anesthetic cream is used and fillers contain lidocaine
Is there any downtime? Possibility of mild swelling, redness and soreness after injection
How many sessions are needed? One
How long does the procedure take? Around 40 minutes
When can I see the results? Immediately after the procedure
How often should I do it? Every 12-18 months


The traditional method of injecting Dermal Fillers involves targeting usually one problematic area. This method adds more volume and weight to one key point. On the other hand, MD Codes treatment has a more holistic approach because it includes injecting smaller amounts of Dermal Fillers into different problematic areas. The point of MD Codes is not to alter how the patient looks like, but to enhance the patient unique facial features and rejuvenate them.

Only an expert can perform this treatment because it is important to understand the facial anatomy and to use only the most advanced facial rejuvenation techniques.

This treatment can make patients look more fresh, firm their saggy skin or make their faces appear slimmer. Since the face is treated as a whole, patients get their facial features enhanced without changing the actual appearance – the face is subtly lifted and rejuvenated.

  • 1. and 2. point areas are CHEEKBONES
    A small amount of Dermal Fillers is injected into this area to achieve more volume and lift the nasolabial folds. These points provide a better structure to the entire face.
  • 3. point area is TEAR TROUGH
    Injecting a small amount of Dermal Fillers in this area improves the middle part of the face. It can improve the look of tired under-eye hollows.
  • 4. point areas are NASOLABIAL FOLDS
    This area is often connected to aging. Adding a little volume to nasolabial folds can provide a younger-looking appearance.
  • 5. point areas are MARIONETTE LINES (mouth corners)
    Marionette lines are also connected to aging and go from the corners of the mouth downward. This can make the patient look sad. Injecting a small amount of Dermal Fillers into these areas provides better support and enables a subtle lift to the face. This way the patients have a happier expression again.
  • 6. point areas are JOWLS
    Injecting a small amount of Dermal Fillers into this area can further enhance the cheekbones and reduce the Nasolabial folds.
  • 7. point area is the JAWLINE
    This is perhaps the most prominent part of the face and greatly contributes to the overall appearance. With aging, the curve which goes from the chin to the back of the jaw can change, lose volume and definition. Injecting a small amount of Dermal Fillers into this area can return the volume and make it smoother and better defined.
  • 8. point areas are CHEEKS
    Injecting a small amount of Dermal Fillers into cheeks can return their volume and definition which will greatly make the middle of the face prominent again.

Dermal Fillers are ideal products for this treatment. They reduce wrinkles and fine lines and restore the lost volume in different areas of the face. They make the face plumper, lifted and rejuvenated. When used in this treatment, they improve the structure of the face, improve contours and keep the skin hydrated.


This treatment has taken facial rejuvenation and volume restoration to the next level. It goes beyond wrinkle treatments. It represents a multimodel approach that allows doctors to create a customized treatment plan for each and every patient. This aesthetic procedure is tailored to meet the patient’s individual needs and expectations.

The 8 point lift treatment utilizes only Dermal Fillers of the highest quality, which guarantees minimal discomfort and almost no recovery period.

The treatment doesn’t change the patient’s face but rather enhances the patient’s unique facial features. While creating a treatment plan the doctor considers the patient’s unique facial anatomy and proportions which greatly contributes to much better final outcomes. Each patient is treated individually because every patient is different.

The treatment is straightforward and doesn’t require any special preparations. It is fast and patients can have it during their lunch break.

This new approach to aesthetic treatment provides effective, long-lasting and natural-looking results. The results include a fresher and brighter look of the patient’s skin and improvement of under-eye hollows and circles. Fine lines and wrinkles are greatly reduced, the jawline is better defined and the jowls are lifted. The patient appears less tired. The treatment restores the volume in the cheeks which has been lost due to aging. The patient appears younger-looking and refreshed.

This ground-breaking aesthetic procedure, allows doctors to rejuvenate the patient’s face more accurately and safely. Treating the face as a whole, rather than focusing on just one problematic area, brings results that can be compared to the traditional facelift, but with a much less invasive method and much shorter recovery.

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      Even though this treatment is minimally invasive, there are some medical conditions or medications that can affect the decision to have the treatment. Some conditions include current skin infection close to the targeted area, having allergic reactions to local anesthesia or taking medications that cause more bleeding like aspirin for example.

      Patients who have a history of cold sores should avoid this treatment. It is not recommended for patients who suffer from bleeding disorders or have autoimmune diseases. Also, pregnant or breastfeeding ladies are not suitable candidates for this treatment. Patients who have had acne treatment or treatment with different Dermal Fillers should be cautious of this treatment.


      Before having MD codes treatment, the patient is consulted with Lucia’s skin specialist or doctor. The doctor examines all areas of the patient’s face, not just the specific part. The goal of the treatment is to enhance the patient’s face on the whole. Since this is an advanced sculpting technique it is important to consider all parts of the patient’s facial anatomy to achieve the best results. The doctor takes the patient's unique proportions of his/her face into consideration because one part of the face can affect how the other part will look like. The greatest benefit of this treatment is that it treats the complete face and this way achieves natural-looking and subtle results.

      The doctor creates a customized treatment plan that will address only the patient’s individual skin issues and concerns. Every patient has different facial anatomy and deserves individual attention and bespoke treatment. As this technique is very precise, the doctor can successfully meet the expectations of each and every patient.


      The doctor carefully cleans the patient's face and marks the 8 point areas that will be treated. As we said, it all depends on the patient’s needs but usually, the marking goes from the upper part of then face to the lower part. Then the doctor starts with the injection of Dermal Fillers also from the top. The doctor starts with the cheekbones and finishes with the jawline or lower cheeks. When the doctor injects the Fillers into an area, he/she massages the area to evenly distribute the filler. The amount of Dermal Filler is predetermined during the consultation - not every patient gets the same amount.

      The treatment generally lasts for 30-40 minutes and the patient can see the results immediately.

      After the treatment, the patient is free to go and continue with his/her normal routine.

      During 8 Point lift, the highest quality HA Dermal Fillers are used, so the side effects are minimal and don’t last long. Also, the treatment can be reversed if the patient is not satisfied with the results or experiences some unusual side effects.

      The common side effects are redness, tenderness, swelling, bruising or itching. The patient may also experience firmness of the skin. All the side effects generally disappear after a couple of days, all depending on the patient. Bruising may last the longest.

      The recovery period is minimal to none. Most patients can return to their normal daily routine right away. It is just recommended to avoid direct sun exposure, exercise, tanning beds or saunas for 2 days after the treatment.

      Should any undesirable symptoms occur, the patient must inform the doctor immediately.


      The treatment is minimally invasive and the only discomfort may be felt during the start of the injection. But this possibly unpleasant feeling is brief and minimal. Dermal Fillers consist of local anesthetics so the treatment is more comfortable.


      This depends on the patient, but usually, the results can be visible between 12 and 18 months. Then the patient can have an additional touch-up treatment to keep the results.